DESCENTE has formulated a Basic Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Policy, which serve as management guidelines, and has also established an Environmental Committee, comprised primarily of directors of the Company. Under the auspices of this Committee, DESCENTE engages in environmental preservation efforts intended to reduce environmental impacts and risks, and also takes proactive, ongoing action to prevent such impacts and risks.

Basic Environmental Philosophy and Policy

DESCENTE Basic Environmental Philosophy

Recognizing that preserving the global environment is a critically important issue, DESCENTE will be proactive, taking environmental preservation into consideration across all of our business activities.

DESCENTE Environmental Policy

Based on the DESCENTE Basic Environmental Philosophy, we have set forth the following items to promote environmental preservation activities, and to be proactive in reducing and preventing environmental impact and risk.

  1. We will establish an Environmental Committee to promote environmental preservation activities.
    related laws, regulation and treaties.
  2. We will work to related laws, regulation and treaties.
  3. We will work to conserve resources and energy, recycle, and reduce waste across all fields of business.
  4. We will work to grasp accurately the impact our business activities have on the environment, and will, to the extent technically and economically possible, establish objectives and goals toward which all of us will strive, regularly reviewing the results and working to continually improve and enhance our efforts.
  5. We will develop and manufacture low environmental impact products.
  6. We will conduct regular monitoring and work to maintain and improve our environmental management.
  7. We will conduct environmental education, ensuring all employees understand these policies and work to raise awareness.
  8. We will disclose our Basic Environmental Philosophy, Environmental Policy and the status of their implementation as required.