
横 浜 国 立 大 学 田 中  英 登
(共同研究者) 東 京 都 立 大 学  相 原  康 二

Effects of Local cooling on Physical
Functions and Sensations during Exercise Under the Hot Environment


Hideto Tanaka
Faculty of Education, Yokohama National University
Yasutsugu Aihara
Faculty os Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University


To investigate the practical and effective local cooling method for preventions of heat disorder
or lowering of exercise performance with exercise under the hot environment, a laboratory experiment and an investigation during the out-door sport (tennis game) were made.
In the loboratory experiment, effects of 3 local coolings [back cooling 9℃), neck & forehesd cooling 1 (19℃)and neck & forehead cooling 2 (9℃) ]were compared during an intermittent bycycle ergometry exercise (HRmax 60%) at ambient temperatures of 35 and 30 ℃.
The cooling were performed by cooling band. In the both environ-mental conditions, both temperature and comfort sensations were reduced by all local cooling in comparison with control condition (no-cooling), but physiological functions of heart rate and body temperature (rectum and tympanum) were only effective in the neck & forehead cooling 2.
In a mearsurement during tennis game in out-door (ambient temperature of 34℃,WBGT of 30.7℃), body temperature (oral) and tempature & comfort sensations were compared between no-cooling group (control) and neck & forehead cooling (9℃) group. The both sensations were recause by the cooling, but the oral temperature made a no different because the cooling temperature was not able to be kept 9 ℃ in the outside.
These results indicate that effective local cooling method for physiological function is the cooling of neck and forehead less than 10 ℃. In the future, it is expected to be produced more practical and effective cooling gear, easily maintainable lower temperature for longer time.

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