

東京工業大学 中 原 凱 文
(共同研究者) 北 川   淳
足 立 忠 晴
聖マリアンナ医科大学 吉 岡 利 忠

The Meaning of Bone Mineral Density by Ultrasound Method
and its Betterment


Yoshibumi Nakahara, Jun Kitagawa
Graduate School of Decision and Science and Technology,
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Tadaharu Adachi
Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Toshitada Yoshioka
St. Marianna Medical school


Calcium was given to male college students who showed lower bone mineral density (BMD) with the ultrasound bone densitometer (Achilles, Lunar) for two months. Subjects were divided into two groups ; calciumfood supplement group (Ca group,n=6) and milk calcium supplement group (Milk group, n=4). Then the changes of ultrasound parameters were examined before and after supplementation. In the Milk group , the change of BMD on lumbar spine (LS) was simultaneously measured using DXA (DPX-L, Lunar).
Inhibitory effect on the decrease of speed of sound (SOS) was found in the Ca group. Stiffness,
SOS and BMD on LS were tended to be increased in the Milk group. Broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) was not changed in each group.
These results suggested that supplementation of was more effective on improving in BMD than in bone structure.

 要 旨
