

東 京 大 学 武 藤 芳 照 
(共同研究者) 太田(福島)美穂
上 岡 洋 晴
京都工芸繊維大学 野 村 照 夫
東京本郷合同 望 月 浩一郎

Safety Measures for Diving Accidents at Swimming Pool

-Focusing on Pool Structure and Instructional Management-


Yoshiteru Mutoh, MIho Ohta-Fukushima
Hiroharu Kamioka
Gradeate School of Education
The University of Tokyo,

Teruo Nomura
Kyoto Institute of Technology
Kohichiro Mochizuki
Hongo Godo Law office in Tokyo


This study on diving accidents intends to clarify and deepen our understanding on the causes and mechanism,and to examine on the possibility of safety measures.
For these purposes,the following procedures are taken;
  1.studying the physical structure of pool and the actual situation of instruction,from the 22
    legal cases and 26 judicial decisions on diving accidents,
  2.inquiry into 198 swimmers on their own experience of accidents and
  3.video-recording the motion of diving,comparing the motions of diving into a 1.5m deep  pool and a 0.8m deep pool
 As the resutl,the following points became clear;
  1. The swimming pool should be sufficiently structured to prevent any accidents caused by diving under normal conditions.
  2.The instructors are not fully aware of the possible dangers that may be caused from diving.
  3.16.16% of the swimmers had reported that they have the experiences of actually colliding their head with the bottom floor of pool,and this indicates the possibility of leading into a  serious accident from a minor cause.
  4.The motion of the diver before entering the water is adjusting the motion underwater,and  it further became clear that the position and the direction of the upper body and the  beating of water by the lower body are significant factors in determining the ability of adjusting directions underwater.
 In conclusion,the diving accidents in swimming pools occur from compound factors acting    simultaneously,namely,(1)the swimmer himself, (2)the from of diving, (3)the physical structure of pool and (4)instruction and management.
  It is important to understand the causes and mechanism of diving acidents, and to be aware  of its danger. Furthermore the effective method for establoshing safety measures through instruction and management shall be endeavoured.

 要 旨



