
茨 城 大 学  服 部 恒 明
(共同研究者) 田 中 茂 穂
松坂    晃

The Postural Sway and Body Composition
in Middle-Aged and Elderly Subjects


Komei Hattori, Shigeho Tanaka, Akira Matsuzaka
Ibaraki University


The relationships between postural sway in upright and body composition were investigated. Postural sways in normal Romberg position (eyes open and eyes closed) and tandem Romberg position were measured on a center of gravity apparatus using two age groups of subjects 30 to 59 years old and 60 years old and over. Body composition asswssment was performed by densitometrical proceures after the determination of body volume by SF6 gas dilition method.
Correlation and principal component analyses reveal that the deterioration of body composition status (in-crease of fat and decrease of fat-free mass) is the one of the factor to aggravate the postural stability.

 要 旨
