
東京学芸大学 柴 田 義 晴
(共同研究者) 國學院大学 原   英 喜
日本女子体育大学 北 川 幸 夫

The Rescue with Clothes on from Drowing:
What are the Risks?


Yoshiharu Shibata
Tokyo Gakugei University
Hideki Hara
Kokugakuin University
Yukio Kitagawa
Japan Women's college of Physical Education


The purpose of this study was to clarify the adverse effects on the rescuer, rescuing with clothes on from drowning. Six rescuers were used as subject to measure their physioligical responses such as blood lactate accumulation, heart rate, mental responses such as rating of perceived exertion and to analyze their rescue motion, following by two kinds of carry method,including three types of rescue conditioning in these carry methods. The findings appeared to warrant the following conclutions.
In the case of the drowned with clothes on, heart rate, blood lactate, and RPE all went up a little and time required was longer by a small percentage, compared to both of rescuer and drowned had swimsuits on. However, in the case of rescuer with clothes on, the value of each measurement all went up and the difference, compared to both of them,was appeared to be significant (p<0.05).
The VTR showed no significant change in the posture and the position of the drowned between the case of both with swimsuits on and that of the only drowned with clothes on. However, in the case of rescuer with clothes on, the posture and the position of both changed greatly such as their feet sank.
This study made it clear that how rescue with clothes on deteriorates the condition of rescuing and increases the physical load. It is imperative to inform the danger of rescuing with clothes on thoroughly and in the case of swim in order to rescue inevitably, we should take off as much clothes as possible.

 要 旨

 本研究では、着衣による救助が生体に及ぼす影響について調査し、着衣救助の危険性について検討を加えることを目的とした。被験者は、救助員資格を持つ者あるいはそれと同等以上の者6名を対象に、二種の運搬法(クロスチェストキャリー、ヘッドキャリー)を三種の救助条件(救助者:溺者=「水着−水着」 「水着−着衣」 「着衣−着衣」)によって25m離れた溺者に対して救助試技を行なわせた。救助試技の際の心拍数、血中乳酸濃度、RPE、所要時間を調査し、併せてVTRによって運搬中の映像を撮影した。